MSW Social Work | Ana G. Méndez University

MSW Social Work

Master of Social Work

The program prepares students for Social Work practice with a clinical specialization, able to contribute with their leadership and guidance to programs and services for vulnerable populations in the United States of America, and other societies across the World. The context and geographical location of the program offers students the opportunity to meet the needs of a variety of vulnerable populations.

Social workers understand both the public and the private social service systems and how it serves its clientele. Among the services performed by social workers are appropriate referrals, direct services, short term therapies, crisis interventions, information gathering, planning, administration and evaluation of social services. Social workers analyze legislation and social policies in order to make recommendations for improving the quality of life of all citizens. Graduates of Social Work must seek professional licensing from the Social Work Board of Examiners at the State Department of Florida.

Employment Opportunities

  • Therapist
  • Case Manager
  • Family Services Worker
  • Mental Health Case Manager
  • School Social Worker
  • Discharge Planner
  • Substance Abuse Counselor

AGM University Master of Social Work Program has achieved Candidacy for Accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education’s Commission on Accreditation.

Candidacy for a master’s social work program by the Council on Social Work Education’s Commission on Accreditation indicates that it has made progress toward meeting criteria for the assessment of program quality evaluated through a peer review process. A program that has attained Candidacy has demonstrated a commitment to meeting the compliance standards set by the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards but has not yet demonstrated full compliance.

Students who enter programs that attain Candidacy in or before the academic year in which they begin their program of study will be retroactively recognized as having graduated from a CSWE-accredited program once the program attains Initial Accreditation. Candidacy is typically a three-year process and attaining Candidacy does not guarantee that a program will eventually attain Initial Accreditation. Candidacy applies to all program sites and program delivery methods of an accredited program. Accreditation provides reasonable assurance about the quality of the program and the competence of students graduating from the program.

For more information about social work accreditation, you may contact Accreditation.


The program prepares students for Social Work practice with a clinical specialization, based on the accreditation standards of the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE). The students will be able to contribute with their leadership and guidance to programs and services for vulnerable populations in the United States of America, and other societies across the World. The context and geographical location of the program offers students the opportunity to meet the needs of a variety of vulnerable populations.

Our Master's in Social Work responds to the transformation of the social and human development needs. It integrates the theoretical and philosophical currents of the profession, both in the United States, internationally and globally. We recognize the importance of recruiting students committed to their own learning and willing to serve as promoters of the common good, acceptance of diversity and the struggle for human rights as well as the improvement of the quality of life for society.


To be recognized nationally and internationally as a Social Work program of excellence.


To prepare graduate students with a global perspective, respect for human diversity, with the advance professional competencies, and the theoretical, methodological and scientific inquiry base of knowledge, that will enable them to promote human and community well-being to enhance the quality of life for all persons, nationally, internationally and globally.


  • Prepare competent and ethical social workers with advance knowledge of the competencies, theory and practice of the social work profession; committed with the enhancement of their professional practice, and in compliance with academic and professional standards of excellence through the program options.
  • Development of knowledge and skills in generalist social work practice from micro to mezzo to macro levels; emphasize the dimensions of diversity, differences, and value principles as applied to general practice.
  • Prepare professional practitioners to deliver innovative and social work services to diverse groups and settings with a commitment to promote social, environmental and economic justice and human and civil rights.
  • Prepare students with a global perspective to develop scientific inquiry knowledge and its contribution to social work practice.
  • Prepare students to be able to engage in the policy practice process and be capable to critically analyze the impact of social welfare policies and social services in the United States of America, and other societies across the World.
  • Prepare competent professionals with education based on a body of knowledge in liberal arts, and theoretical framework in human behavior and social environment to promote human and community well-being.

Defining Social Work

Social Work is an applied discipline that promotes equity, social and political justice and the well- being of human and social systems through knowledge of human behavior and social systems, framed in historical-cultural, socio-economic and social contexts, where politics takes place. This is achieved through our intervention with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Social Work is a profession of concerted action for the transformation of people and the social, political, economic and cultural environment. Our graduates are integrated into their communities and workplaces with awareness of the importance of individual and collective responsibility for the improvement of the quality of life of those we serve.

Clinical Social Work

We define Clinical Social Work as a modality of Social Work where theories and methods of the profession are applied in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the problems, disabilities or limitations, presented by individuals, families and groups. These may include but not be limited to mental, cognitive, behavioral and emotional disorders. Furthermore, Clinical Social Work promotes the personal well-being of clients and educates them to the socio-economic and political environments that influence their daily lives.

Education based in professional competencies

The Master's Program has been designed using the accreditation criteria established by the CSWE. For these purposes, we have established the following competencies:

  1. Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior Competency
  2. Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
  3. Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice Competency
  4. Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
  5. Engage in Policy Practice
  6. Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  7. Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  8. Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  9. Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Program Duration

The Master’s in Social Work Program with a Clinical specialization is distinguished by its flexibility in the rhythm and pace of the sequential courses. The students admitted to the program, choose the rhythm and pace in which they want to complete the program. They can take from a minimum of 3 credits to a maximum of 15 credits per semester with prior approval of the program management. The program can take from two years and one summer (students who want to study full-time) to three or four years (taking 9 credits per semester). Students admitted under the modality of the Advanced Program and who study full-time, can complete the program in two semesters and one summer. The last pages of this informative material provide several models of sequence of classes to guide the students in the design of their program.

Course Modality

All Clinical Social Work Master courses are offered in part of terms, except for Seminars and Practicum courses, which are offered in semesters. The master's courses are scheduled at night from Monday to Friday and during the day on Saturdays. Therefore, the student must have availability to study both Monday through Friday at night (6:00 pm-10:00pm), and Saturdays (8:00 am-12:00pm / 1: 00-5: 00pm) to complete the program.

Course Content

All courses, in addition to their specific content, include content and awareness exercises on values and professional ethics. In addition, in all courses the strengthening of the following skills and dispositions are emphasized:

Skills of:

  • Critical reading
  • Descriptive and argumentative writing
  • Self-reflection and personal growth

Promotion of provisions towards:

  • The social-community commitment
  • The appreciation of diversity
  • The recognition of oppression in society Recognition of the impact of globalization

Social Work Research

The Master's Program includes two research courses. Students are prepared to conduct quantitative and qualitative research related to the practice of Social Work. All the courses include short and specific research activities and projects for the promotion of skills of the practice informed by the research. The first research course (SWGR 510) is part of the core component, and the second research course (SWGR 511) is part of the specialization sequence.

Academic Advisement

The student that requires it will receive academic advisement by a member of the academic staff or faculty during their stay in the program. Academic advisement can help guide the student in the process of selecting courses, practice scenarios and general concerns regarding their professional training development. Similarly, students will receive guidance and support from academic advisors and coordinators.

Supervised Practice

Supervised practice in Social Work is an integral component of the training of social workers. The seminar and the practice constitute the scenario where the theoretical knowledge acquired in the courses converge with the application of intervention skills with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities resulting in its refinement.

  1. Three internships of 300 semester hours each for a total of 900 hours of practice.
  2. The second and third practices emphasize the development of the skills of the clinical specialization.

Generalist Supervised Practice

The first supervised practice (SWGR 555) works the basic skills of the generalist model and is part of the core component of Social Work. It consists of 300 semester hours that do not include the contact hours of the seminar.

To apply for the SWGR 555 course, the student must have passed at least the following foundation courses: SWGR 504, SWGR 505, SWGR 506, SWGR 507, SWGR 510 and SWGR 601.

Advanced Supervised Practice

To apply for advanced practice (SWGR 655) the student must approve all core courses, including SWGR 555. The student must also pass the first part of the comprehensive exam, as well as the specialty courses SWGR 511 and SWGR 602. The student must submit two separate requests for practice. The seminar and the practice have a combined value of 6 credits.

Practice Schedules

Students will be assigned to practice sites according to the criteria of the centers of practice, student experience and availability. The program does not guarantee the availability of evening practice sites for students; thus, students must plan to complete practice hours during the day.


Admission to the Master’s in Social Work (MSW) Program is competitive. The students are selected, within the group of candidates, according to the criteria established by the Department of Social Work to complete the program and become Social Workers of excellence. Candidates must demonstrate during the admission process that they have the intellectual capacity, the communication skills, the profile, and the appropriate temperament for the Social Work profession.

Admission Requirements

The program admission requirements are:

  1. An earned bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  2. An undergraduate cumulative GPA of at least 2.75.
  3. An interview.
  4. An essay, written at the time of the interview.

Required General Competence

Students must be able to read and understand scientific and professional texts in English or Spanish. In addition, they must be able to understand, read, speak and write in one or both of the English and Spanish languages. Furthermore, they are expected to have skills in the management of computer technology, programming and cyber browsing.

Candidates with Baccalaureates in Social Work and the Advanced Program

Admitted students who have a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work from a program accredited by the CSWE may be granted Advanced Status, and can be exempt from a maximum of up to 27 credits credit hours of advanced standing to those BSW graduates that meet the following conditions:

  1. Degree granted from a CSWE BSW accredited program
  2. A graduation GPA (Grade Point Average) of at least 3.00
  3. Social Work major courses passed with grade A or B
  4. Field Practice courses passed with a grade of A
  5. Having completed the baccalaureate degree within five years or less of requested admission.

If all five conditions are met, an evaluation of transfer credits will be conducted by the MSW Program director. The advanced standing may be awarded only to graduates holding degrees from baccalaureate social work programs accredited by CSWE, those recognized through its International Social Work Degree Recognition and Evaluation Services or covered under a memorandum of understanding with international social work accreditors across all program options. Courses will not be validated to students from programs not accredited by the CSWE.

For the MSW advanced standing, 21 credits will be granted for the foundation courses of Social Work major, approved with A or B. Another 6 credits will be granted for generalist practice only if the candidate had a grade of A in the supervised practice at the bachelor’s level. The granting of the baccalaureate degree must be no older than five years or less. The following courses may be granted advanced standing:

27 credits in Generalist Courses of the profession Credits
SWGR 504 Social Policy Analysis 3
SWGR 505 Human Diversity and Social Justice 3
SWGR 506 Social Work with Individuals and Families 3
SWGR 507 Social Work with Groups, Communities and Organizations 3
SWGR 510 Research Design 3
SWGR 601 Theories and Models of Human Behavior and Development I 3
SWGR 606 Theories and Models of Human Behavior and Development II 3
SWGR 555 Social Work with Seminar and Field Practicum I 6
Total Credits  27

All the students admitted to the Advanced Standing Program must take the Comprehensive Exam (1st Part) to assess the knowledge required for the Social Work Generalist Practice. The student will have the opportunity to take the exam concurrently with the courses of the specialized clinical track in the first semester of admission. The approval of the SWGR 670 comprehensive exam is a requirement for continuation in the clinical program.

Transfer of Credits into AGMU MSW Advanced Standing Program

AGMU’s Social Work Program will accept transfer of credits only from CSWE baccalaureate accredited programs. Students from an CSWE accredited institution of post-secondary education are encouraged to apply for their credits to be transferred to the AGMU MSW program. A maximum of 27 credits can be transferred.

  1. The Official transcripts from all colleges attended must be received no later than forty-five (45) days after the start of the student’s first term at AGMU to receive transfer credit. Transfer students must comply with AGMU residency requirements. The application will be submitted thru the Campus Registrar Office, including an Official transcript from all colleges attended.
  2. Credits transferred from other institutions are evaluated based on equivalency with the content of the courses and credits required by the AGMU MSW Program.
  3. The Registrar Office will submit the transfer application and the transcript to the MSW Program director for a preliminary transcript evaluation process. 
  4. The MSW Program director will evaluate the transfer application and perform a preliminary transfer evaluation to ensure that baccalaureate Social Work graduates do not repeat previous achievements, in compliance with the CSWE Accreditation Standard M3.1.3. The MSW Program Advance Standing Preliminary Transfer Evaluation Form must be completed.
  5. The MSW Program director will discuss with the candidate the results of the transfer preliminary evaluation for the enrollment decision making in the program.
  6. Once the candidate accepts the preliminary transfer evaluation, the MSW Program director sends the documents to the Registrar office for validation and certification with the official transcripts.

Acceptance of transfer credits:

The acceptance or denial of transfer credits is the decision of the AGMU Registrar’s Office based on the guidelines approved by the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. All students may request the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs a review of the decision. All transfer credit decisions are final.

Residency Requirements

A student must complete a minimum of 25% of their applicable program credits from AGMU to meet the residency requirements. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 25% of the prescribed number of credit hours within their major area of study to be evaluated for the recognition with honors.

Important Note: Credit will not be granted for life experience, volunteering or work experience as a social worker.

Ana G. Mendez University
Title: Master of Social Work Program
Credential Issued: Master of Social Work
Degree Requirements
SWGR 504 Social Policy and Social Work 3  
SWGR 505 Human Diversity and Social Justice 3  
SWGR 506 Social Work with Individuals and Families 3  
SWGR 507 Social Work with Groups, Communities and Organizations 3 SWGR 506
SWGR 510 Research Design 3  
SWGR 601 Theories and Models of Human Development and Behavior I 3  
SWGR 606 Theories and Models of Human Development and Behavior II 3 SWGR 601
SWGR 555 Social Work with Seminar and Field Practicum I 6 SWGR 504, SWGR 505, SWGR 506, SWGR 507, SWGR 510, SWGR 601, SWGR 606
SWGR 670 Comprehensive Exam (1st part) 0 Concurrent with SWGR 555-O
SWGR 602 Clinical Intervention I 3 SWGR 555
SWGR 607 Clinical Intervention II 3 SWGR 602
SWGR 511 Research Analysis 3 SWGR 510
SWGR 655 Social Work with Seminar and Field Practicum II** 6 SWGR 555, SWGR 602, SWGR 511, SWGR 670
SWGR 665 Social Work with Seminar and Field Practicum III** 6 SWGR 655
SWGR 671 Comprehensive Exam (2nd Part) 0 SWGR 670
**SWGR 608 Psychopathology, Human Behavior and Social Environment 3 SWGR 670
SWGR 623 Drugs and substance Abuse 3 SWGR 670

* Students must abide with the minimum required hours and policies set by the state and local social work states boards for practicum experiences. Students must comply with State and local social work certification requirements for the degree, as applicable. **This course is mandatory in Florida.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the program, a general grade point average of 3.00 is required as well as a comprehensive grade examination of Pass. The seminar and supervised practice are approved with A or B; a C requires that the course be repeated; With D or F the student is suspended and a committee of three faculty members must examine the case to determine if a second opportunity is granted to repeat the seminar and practice. The Director of the Social Work Master’s Program will appoint the Committee.

Comprehensive Exam

The comprehensive examination consists of two parts. The first part evaluates the integration of the material of the courses of the fundamental components in Social Work. The second part of the exam evaluates the advanced components.

The first part of the comprehensive exam is taken after passing all the courses that are part of the foundation sequence. They must pass this part of the exam to continue with their study program. It is important to follow the recommendations of the study blocks to achieve your academic goal.

The second part, the specialty degree examination, is taken during the last semester of studies (SWGR 671). It can be taken during the second practice with a special request of the student taking responsibility for the material. To apply for the exam, students must have completed all specialty courses, in addition to passing the first part of the exam.

The exam consists of composite discussion questions in the areas of fundamentals and specialization. The exam is offered only once per semester; it has a cost, and unlimited attempts. The notification of results is sent by regular mail six weeks after taking the exam. The student body must be aware of the exam dates, which will be published at the beginning of the semester on the Social Work courses platform. They must complete the payment within the established deadlines. If the student pays for the exam and decides not to take it, the payment will be valid for an additional semester, as long as the student cancels within the established period. After this period, the student will pay the applicable fees for the exam. The payment will be non-refundable.

Student Separation Policy

The Master’s Program in Social Work with a Clinical specialization requires that students maintain a level of achievement and general average in accordance with the standards established in the Ana G. Mendez University Catalog and Student Handbook. The students must demonstrate appropriate professional behavior, appropriate temperament for the profession, teamwork skills, ability to follow directions, and effective use of the mentoring and supervision process.

The Supervised Practice Manual details the policy of separation of students in situations where the student incurs absences during the period of academic experience.

The Department of Social Work reserves the right to suspend or expel students from the program, which incur in the following:

  • Demonstrate inconsistent behaviors with the values of the profession in their interaction with classmates, professors, academic or administrative personnel or other university personnel or with clients or staff of the practice centers.
  • >
  • Demonstrate inconsistent behaviors with the communication and professional interaction skills of Social Work, both in the university space and in the practice centers.
  • >
  • Poor or inappropriate performance in practice centers.
  • >
  • Plagiarized academic assignments in the courses.
  • >
  • Violating the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW).
  • >

Granting of Clinical Social Work License

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) is one of several social work licenses granted by states nationwide, although the actual title may vary by state. An LCSW is a practitioner who has been approved by a state licensing board to provide comprehensive mental health services and assume greater responsibilities than a social worker who is not licensed. The requirements for how to become an LCSW differ by state, but in general, all aspiring LCSWs must earn a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree, complete additional coursework and clinical training, and pass licensure exams.

Master of Social Work (MSW) Advanced Standing Program Sequence

      Download Sequence Here

Full-Time Program Sequence

      Download Sequence Here

Part-Time Program Sequence

      Download Sequence Here
  Contact Information
Luisa Pacheco Maurer
  • Luisa Pacheco Maurer, PsyD, MS, MSW, LCSW-Q, CCM
  • Program Director
  • Phone: (786) 897-7261
  • Email:
Luisa Pacheco Maurer
  • Prof. Calix Diaz Rivera, PsyD, LCSW, MS, C.AT. IV
  • Assistant Professor and Director of Field Education
  • Phone: (352) 454-3545
  • Email:
Luisa Pacheco Maurer
  • Prof. Janet Carrasquillo, PhD, MSW, MRC
  • Associate Professor
  • Main Campus
  • Phone: (321) 578-1105
Gabriela Chimelis
  • Gabriela Chimelis
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Phone: (407) 563-6501
  • Email:

Faculty Members

  • Prof. Naida Cruz, DSW, LCSW
  • Prof. Mildred González, MSW, LCSW
  • Prof. Roxana Cevallos, MSW, LCSW
  • Prof. Laguinot Santiago, MSW
  • Prof. María de Lourdes Rolón, MSW, LCSW
  • Prof. Thalia Rydz, PhD, MSW, LCSW-Q
  • Prof. Joshua Torres, MSW, LCSW-Q
  • Prof. Mely González, DSW, MSW
  • Prof. Adalgiza Sandoval, PsyD, LCSW-R
  • Prof. Luz Miranda, MSW
  • Prof. Debora Fontanez, PhD, MSW
  • Prof. Sue Ellen Cabrera, MSW
  • Prof. Silvia Gutierrez, MSW
  • Prof. Miguel Herrera, MSW
  • Prof. Magda Demerritt DSW, LCSW-Q
  • Prof. Ana C. Uribe, LCSW-Q
  • Prof. Paul Ferricelli, MSW
  • Prof. Arlette Parrado, LCSW-Q
  • Prof. Naylú Martínez, MD, MSW
  • Prof. Héctor Vientós, MSW

*VA/Military benefits approved program.