Accreditation & Self-Study News | Ana G. Méndez University

Accreditation & Self-Study News


On the image: From left to right: Dr. Luz Serrano, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness; Dr. Glorivette Perez, Dean of Academic Affairs; Dr. Luis J. Delgado, Executive Director; Mrs. Rose Vincenty, Director of Assessment, and Mrs. Claudia Camacho, Director of Licensing, Compliance, and Accreditation.

As part of AGMU’s process of reaccreditation with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and in fulfillment of our institutional mission of providing the highest quality education and service, a group of AGMU’s leadership team participated in the MSCHE 2024 Annual Conference this past December 11-13, 2024, in Philadelphia, PA. Aside from important networking with higher education peers, AGMU leaders participated in dozens of presentations and conferences that will aid our reaccreditation process and self-study final submission this upcoming February 2025.

If you have any questions about the reaccreditation process, please get in touch with Mrs. Claudia Camacho at or visit our webpage at

En la imagen: De izquierda a derecha: Dra. Luz Serrano, Decana de Eficacia Institucional; Dra. Glorivette Pérez, Decana de Asuntos Académicos; Dr. Luis J. Delgado, Director Ejecutivo; Sra. Rose Vincenty, Directora de Evaluación; y Sra. Claudia Camacho, Directora de Licencias, Cumplimiento y Acreditación.


Como parte del proceso de reacreditación de Ana G. Méndez University (AGMU) con la Comisión de Educación Superior de los Estados del Medio (MSCHE, por sus siglas en inglés) y en cumplimiento de nuestra misión institucional de proporcionar la educación y el servicio de más alta calidad, un grupo del equipo de liderazgo de AGMU participó en la Conferencia Anual MSCHE 2024, que se celebró del 11 al 13 de diciembre de 2024 en Filadelfia, PA. Además de las importantes oportunidades de networking con colegas de la educación superior, los líderes de AGMU participaron en decenas de presentaciones y conferencias que apoyarán nuestro proceso de reacreditación y la presentación final del autoestudio en febrero de 2025.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el proceso de reacreditación, por favor comuníquese con la Sra. Claudia Camacho a o visite nuestra página web en


We are pleased to announce that, as part of our institution's reaccreditation process with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), AGMU hosted Dr. Hubert Benitez, our Evaluation Committee Chair, this past Monday, October 28, 2024. Dr. Benitez met with various members of AGMU’s community, from our leadership team, the Steering Committee, staff, faculty, and students.

We continue steadily moving forward and working hard to guarantee a successful reaccreditation for the benefit of our institution, students, and the community at large.

If you have any questions about the reaccreditation process, please get in touch with Mrs. Claudia Camacho, Director of License, Compliance, and Accreditation, at


Nos complace anunciar que, como parte del proceso de reacreditación de nuestra institución con la Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), AGMU recibió al Dr. Hubert Benítez, presidente de nuestro Comité de Evaluación, el pasado lunes 28 de octubre de 2024. El Dr. Benítez se reunió con varios miembros de la comunidad de AGMU, incluyendo nuestro equipo de liderazgo, el Comité Timón, personal administrativo, miembros de facultad y estudiantes.

Seguimos avanzando de manera firme y trabajando arduamente para garantizar una reacreditación exitosa en beneficio de nuestra institución, estudiantes y la comunidad en general.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el proceso de reacreditación, comuníquese con la Sra. Claudia Camacho, directora de Licencias, Cumplimiento y Acreditación, al correo .

Public notice of upcoming accreditation review visit by the acen

Ana G. Méndez University wishes to announce that it will host a site visit for initial accreditation of its ASN and DNP nursing programs by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
You are invited to meet with the site visit team and share your comments about the program in person during our visit, which is currently scheduled for February 25-27, 2025, at Metro Orlando Campus, located at 5601 South Semoran Blvd. Suite 55 Orlando, FL 32822

Written comments are also welcome and should be submitted to the ACEN via email at or to the ACEN office:

Attn: Accreditation Services
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
3390 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326

All written comments should be received by the ACEN by February 4, 2025.

Reaccreditation process update

As previously reported, and as part of AGMU's process of reaccreditation with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), a structured framework was established to create a comprehensive self-study process, including a steering committee. Additionally, ten (10) working groups were established, each dedicated to one of the seven accreditation standards (1-7), along with three supporting working groups: compliance, evidence inventory, and the communication committee.
Over the past few months, these groups have been developing an Integrated Self-Study Report (SSR) review process consisting of three phases:

  1. Steering Committee review and recommendations – Completed
  2. Work retreat to incorporate recommendations and provide final feedback on the SSR draft
  3. Evidence Inventory revision and input from the university community

Last week, specifically Wednesday, September 4th, and Thursday, September 5th, the steering committee completed the two-day work retreat moving forward with the second phase. In the coming weeks, the self-study will be shared with the university community for their input and feedback.

The steering committee, which includes faculty, deans, associate deans, and directors, thoroughly ensures that the SSR complies with all seven standards, that the requirements of affiliation align with the university’s mission and priorities, and that the supporting evidence is robust. We are deeply grateful for their commitment and dedication to this crucial reaccreditation process for Ana G. Méndez University.

If you have any questions about the accreditation process, please get in touch with Mrs. Claudia Camacho, Director of Licensing, Compliance, and Accreditation, at or visit our dedicated webpage at

Institutional Reacreditation Visit

A few days ago, we announced the appointment of Dr. Hubert Benítez as president of the evaluation committee of the reaccreditation process of Ana G. Méndez University by the Middle States Commission of Higher Education (MSCHE), our institutional accrediting agency. Following this appointment, MSCHE has identified the two dates of visits that are part of this process. The first visit called the preliminary visit, has the purpose of receiving the president of the evaluation committee, Dr. Benítez, who meets with different constituents of the institution to familiarize himself with the institutional culture, faculty, students, and administrators in addition to guiding the community on the process of reaccreditation and evaluation visit and to discuss issues related to the draft of the self-study document.

For the second visit to evaluate the reaccreditation self-study, we will receive a committee of about 7 to 9 evaluators assigned by MSCHE. During this visit, which lasts approximately three days, the evaluation committee meets with each institutional area, faculty, students, and administrators to exchange impressions on the submitted self-study document, clarify doubts, and thus complete their evaluations. The dates of visits established by MSCHE are as follows:


If you have any questions about the accreditation process, please get in touch with Mrs. Claudia Camacho, Director of Licensing, Compliance, and Accreditation, at

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MSCHE Evaluation Team Chair Appointment

We previously communicated that the institution had begun the reaccreditation process with the institutional accreditor, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). We continued the progress of developing the self-study by the seven working groups appointed and led by the Steering Committee.

As part of this process, the MSCHE appointed the evaluation committee chair to assess the self-study and visit us in the spring of 2025. The chair assigned is Dr. Hubert Benitez, current president of Saint Peter's University, located in the state of New Jersey. Dr. Benitez has extensive experience in higher education. For more than 20 years, Dr. Benitez has excelled in the academic area as an administrator at different institutional levels and as faculty.

We are very pleased with this appointment and look forward to a successful reaccreditation process with this outstanding higher education and Hispanic community member.

If you have any questions about the accreditation process, please contact Mrs. Claudia Camacho, Director of Licensing, Compliance, and Accreditation, at

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Institutional Reacreditation Process - MSCHE

The Ana G. Méndez University has begun the cycle for the self-study process of institutional reaccreditation. The institution has accreditation granted in 2016 by the Middle States Commission on Higher (MSCHE). Entity recognized and authorized by the Federal Department of Education of the United States. A group of employees, faculty, and students have been appointed to oversee, develop, and directly participate in the process. During certain milestones, the entire university community will be
invited to participate in activities related to this reaccreditation process.

In the coming months, we will be sharing with you the progress of the Self-study development through our social media, communication emails, and the following webpage created for the process.

AGM University - MSCHE Reaccreditation Process weblink - AGMU Self-Study Process


If you have any questions about the accreditation process, please get in touch with Mrs. Claudia Camacho, Director of Licensing, Compliance, and Accreditation, at

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Ana G. Mendez University began the self-study process

In the fall of 2022, Ana G. Mendez University began the self-study process in preparation for reaccreditation, visit and evaluation by MSCHE in the Spring 2025. The campus acting Chancellor, Prof. Syndia Nazario-Cardona appointed Mrs. Claudia Camacho, Director of Licensing, Compliance and Accreditation, and Mrs. Monica Castro, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, as Self-Study Chair and Co-Chair, respectively.