AGM University South Florida hosts Hispanic Heritage event. | AGM University

AGM University South Florida hosts Hispanic Heritage event.

Author: Marcela Munera
SFC Campus Director

AGMU had the pleasure of hosting a fun and lively Hispanic Heritage event. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who joined us in celebrating this evening together. Your presence, enthusiasm, and support made the occasion truly special and memorable.

A very special Thank you and appreciation to our Miami Lakes Mayor, Manny Cid for delivering such a heartfelt and enthusiastic speech, he lit up the room tonight as well as other Community leaders who joined in delivering a few words of enthusiasm From SFLHCC President and CEO Liliam Lopez, Dr. (h.c.) Claudia Uribe-Orrett Psy.D from Miami-Dade Fair and Expo, Carolina M. Veira founder of Strategic Group, and Ettore Sabatella from Doral family journal.

It was inspiring to see our diverse community come together to honor and embrace the rich tapestry of Hispanic culture. AGMU also wants to thank a few Community leaders who showed their support by attending tonight ; Pedro Fiallo, Tico Casamayor, Alfredo Santamaria, El Vocero, your participation not only enriched the event but also reinforced the spirit of unity that defines our community.

From the lively conga performances from Grammy winner Daniel Peña to the delicious cuisine from mofongos, Gauchos cucina di postres and the engaging conversations, everyone’s presence added an extra layer of joy and warmth to the celebration. Your support fuels our mission to promote cultural appreciation and understanding.

Thank you again to those who attended and were a part of this wonderful event, as we look forward to many more opportunities to come together and celebrate the beauty of our diverse heritage.

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